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Official Rules and Regulations




The JUNIOR U. S. OPEN (Event) will be conducted in accordance with National Sporting Clays Association (NSCA) Official Rules and Regulations (R&R) for Registered Tournaments – Section IV with exceptions as noted within.


A. The Event

  1. The Junior U.S. OPEN is not a registered NSCA event.

  2. In addition to the NSCA R&R, the South Carolina Youth Shooting Foundation (SCYSF) and Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) rules and regulations will apply as noted. R&R for each origination can be reviewed at , and

  3. The JUNIOR U.S. OPEN is a Team Event. A team will consist of a three (3) person squad(s) and must be registered in one of the following Youth Shooting Organizations by a Certified Head Coach. The Certified Head Coach will be certified by NSCA, SCYSF, SCTP, NSSA, ATA, 4H or NRA. Other certifications will be considered by request.


B. Participation

  1. The Certified Head Coach and any Assistant Coaches must be in good standing with any and all mentioned organizations. Coach must have coached with the team registered but not specifically the three (3) squad members.

  2. A Certified Coach will complete the Junior U.S. OPEN Event Registration Form and specify Coach or Assistant Coach by name for each 3 person squad registered. Each team may register multiple 3 person squads; however each 3 person squad must have a certified coach assigned to them and travel with each squad on the course. Hence, if a team has 3 squads registered for the morning rotation, then they must have 3 coaches/assistant coaches, 1 for each squad on the course.  Exception to Rule B-2 for Collegiate Division – For the collegiate division only, a coach per 3 person squad will not be required; however, a certified coach is still required to complete the registration form(s), complete with signed acknowledgement for each 3 person squad, and this coach is responsible for each and every squad registered. A coach representing the collegiate team is required to be present at all events in which his/her team members are competing. It will be required that each squad designate a squad leader, that is at least 21 years of age, for each 3 person squad while on the course; unless a certified coach is available to be assigned to say squad.

  3. All squad members must be registered with one of the designated Youth Shooting Organizations and in good standing. Each participant must be a bona fide student enrolled in an accredited school, home school program, college or university within the state the team is registered. Squad members must have competed on the same team but not necessarily on the same squad to qualify to shoot the 2025 JUNIOR US OPEN.

  4. The Divisions will be determined in accordance with the South Carolina Youth Shooting Foundation (SCYSF) as stated within and will include a College Division. College eligibility is determined by the Association of College Unions International (ACUI) found at .

  5. It is expected for all Head Coaches to assemble 3 person squad(s) from a team that has shot and competed as a qualified team. Selecting squad members from different teams / different schools / different organizations to form a squad (“cherry picking”) is prohibited and may result in disqualification without refund.


Clarification – The goal of the Junior U.S. Open is to allow every youth shooter from around the country that wants to shoot the Event, to have the opportunity to compete in the JUNIOR U.S. OPEN. The intent was not to leave anyone out. The “cherry picking” rule is to prevent Head Coaches from selectively choosing squad members from different teams, different schools and different organizations to form a squad for the purpose of “winning”.


A Head Coach is allowed to add a single shooter from a different team to participate with two (2) shooters from his team to form a 3 person squad to compete in the JUNIOR U.S. OPEN. In the ‘spirit of the game’ this allowance should be considered an exception and not the norm. Each Head Coach must meet the following qualifications to enter a “mixed squad” team:

  • There is not one shooter left behind from his team that wanted to compete in the JUNIOR U.S. OPEN. All attempts to form a 3 shooter squad within the team should be made. Moving a shooter(s) to the next division up should be considered before adding a shooter from another team.

  • No selective recruiting is allowed. Both Head Coaches must agree with the formation of the “mixed team”.

  • The single shooter must be a member of the same youth shooting organization within the state forming the team.


C. Safety

  1. Safety is “paramount” at this Event. 100% safe – 100% of the time – no exceptions! If anyone is deemed unsafe, they will be disqualified and removed from the Event without refund.

  2. All shooters, coaches, and spectators are required to wear ear and eye protection at all times on the course or practice/game areas.

  3. Coaches must stand directly behind the shooter in the shooting box within arms length of the shooter with the exception as noted for the Collegiate Division – Rule B2. Coaches are there to ensure a safe environment at all times. Coaching or instructing shooter while in the shooting stand is not allowed and grounds for a squad disqualification. Coaching is allowed outside a 15 foot perimeter of the shooting box and between stations.

  4. Open-toed shoes, such as flip-flops/sandals/etc. are not allowed at this Event. Any shooter wearing open toed shoes will be disqualified along with the entire squad.

  5. Slings or straps attached to the shotgun are prohibited and will be removed prior to shooting.

  6. Factory ammunition meeting NSCA requirements can only be used at this Event. No reloads are allowed. Reloads will be grounds for squad disqualification.

  7. To operate a Clays Cart/Golf Cart/ any ATV Vehicle, the driver must have a valid driver’s license and abide by all state laws. Permits are not considered a valid drivers license. All guns transported on vehicles will be in a vertical position. No horizontal gun racks allowed.

  8. There will be a mandatory Coaches’ Meeting 30 minutes prior to starting each rotation. Location and specific times will be posted.

  9. There will be a mandatory Shooter/Coach/Guardian/Parent/Spectators’ Meeting 15 minutes prior to the rotation shotgun start. Location and specific times will be posted.


D. Event Rules

  1. Malfunctions will be handled in accordance to NSCA R&R to include gun, shooter, ammunition and trap/target malfunctions.

  2. A shooter may disagree with a call from the field judge and must protest before firing at another set of targets or before leaving the shooter’s box. Coaches and spectators cannot instigate a potential missed call – only the shooter is allowed to disagree with field judge. The field judge may poll the coach and spectators and may reverse the original call. In all cases the final decision of the field judge will stand.

  3. If the shooter disagrees with the final call of the field judge and the problem cannot be resolved, the squad coach can file a protest at the end of the rotation with the Event Protest Committee. Protest paperwork will be completed with a $50.00 fee included. The protest will consist of a meeting with involved parties, Protest Committee and Club Management. Their decision is final. The fee is returned if decision is reversed.

  4. Each shooter and coach will verify shooter’s score before leaving the station. Once shooter has left the said station the score is final.

  5. If a coach, team member or family member addresses the field judge over a called shot or protest, the shoot management has the authority to disqualify the entire squad without refund. We highly recommend family members and friends not get involved with discussions with field judges.

  6. Each squad will be assigned a start station each day. The Event will have a ‘shotgun start’ and squads will precede in rotation one station after another.

  7. Squad to start on the assigned station as indicated on squad scorecard. When the 3 person squad has completed shooting the station, move to the next station. Shoot and move – do not wait on the next squad to shoot before moving.

  8. When the last station is shot, the squad is allowed to review scores and immediately return scorecard to field judges before leaving the station.

  9. Shoot offs to be announced after all squads are completed and off the course, scores calculated and verified. All team shoot offs will be completed by one chosen squad member of choice and must be present for shoot off or will be considered a forfeit. Shooter must be present for individual shoot offs or will be considered a forfeit also. In the event that both parties (team or individual) are not present for shoot off, then the winner(s) will be determined by long run established on second day 100 targets beginning at station #1 using high gun on each team. Location of shoot offs will be announced.


E. Divisions and Awards

  1. The following Divisions will be recognized and awards provided for each squad member by Division for HOA Team, RU Team, Third Place and HOA Individual.

  • Rookie / 5th Grade and Under

  • Intermediate / 6 to 8th Grades

  • Junior Varsity / 9 to 10th Grades

  • Senior Varsity / 11 to 12th Grades

  • Collegiate / Enrolled in College/University

  • Ladies Intermediate / 8th Grade and Under

  • Ladies JR. Varsity 9 to 10th Grades

  • Ladies Varsity / 11 to 12th Grades

  • Ladies Collegiate

        **Grades are determined by grade that shooter was in for the 2024-2025 School Year.**


  1. All shooters can move up in class (only) and shoot in any higher division.

  2. All squad members must be ladies to shoot in any ladies division. Ladies can compete for HOA Individual Awards and not be in a ladies only squad.

  3. We highly encourage 3 person team/squads entries. All entries will be allowed to shoot the 2025 Junior US OPEN.

Registration forms must be turned in by June 10th, 2025.


647 Hemingway Lane Georgetown, SC 29440


Phone: 843.546.1466   Fax: 843.546.6920   Email:

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